Patient Engagement
Course description
The Patient Management curriculum is a continuous series of courses beginning in the first year (D1) Spring Quarter and continuing through the third year (D3) Spring Quarter. The course's content in the series provides learners with the knowledge to maximize the clinical experiences assigned for that quarter as they transition into patient care.
Additional information
Course Year: First
Course Number: PFD103
Quarter: Spring
Lecture Hours: 10
Section: Diagnostic Sciences
Course Details: This is the first class in a series of Patient Management courses in the Professional and Doctoring Track. It is an introduction to the clinic. The course will focus on infection control, prevention of cross contamination, and maintaining a safe working environment for dental students and patients. These are foundational principles and protocols that need to be addressed and learned. Some of the material covered in this course is specific to UCLA Dental Clinic policies; however, the vast majority of the material is applicable to the delivery of health care, including dentistry, in all settings and locations.
Course Year: Second
Course Number: PFD200sabc
Quarter: Summer
Lecture Hours: 9
Section: Diagnostic Sciences
Course Details: PFD200 will introduce the policies and guidelines of the pre-doctoral clinic as described in the Clinic Handbook and fully prepare learners to participate in patient care responsibilities in Fall Quarter.
Course Year: Third
Course Number: PFD300sabc
Quarter: Summer
Lecture Hours: 9
Section: Diagnostic Sciences
Course Details: The PFD 300 course introduces the student doctors to the new group practice model workflows and provider/patient communication responsibilities. This includes telephone and in-person communications involving patient expectations and financial/billing concerns. Additional topics include clear explanations and communication that ensure patient-centered experiences regarding treatment plan development, treatment sequences, and treatment timeline.
Course Year: Fourth
Course Number: PFD400sabc
Lecture Hours: 9
Section: Diagnostic Sciences
Course Details: This course aims to help student doctors learn to manage their patients more effectively and to navigate the School of Dentistry’s clinical environment. This quarter will focus on the fee reduction process, SoD Financial protocol, axiUm shortcuts/charting, and patient communication.