Areas of Discovery
Learn more about our exciting research projects
Explore the LabsCancer Diagnostics & Therapeutics

The UCLA School of Dentistry conducts basic and applied research into the genesis, molecular mechanisms, prevention and treatment of cancer. School of Dentistry faculty, also affiliated with the Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center, conduct and collaborate with other campus units on studies related to the diagnosis and treatment of head and neck cancer, while public health clinical researchers study noninvasive means of diagnosis and treatment at UCLA. Exciting research projects are using saliva as a non-invasive approach to diagnose cancer, since research has shown saliva has vast potential for early detection of cancers, autoimmune diseases, diabetes and other disorders.
Craniofacial Biology & Bioengineering

Interdisciplinary research ranges from projects in basic bone biology to diagnosis of bone disorders and predictive clinical and radiographic screening for osteoporosis. Studies of biological mechanisms of bone development and metabolism, plus analyses of genetic, hormonal, growth, cytokine and other factors are translated to clinical applications in diagnosis and treatment of maxillofacial and general bone health and pathology. Together, UCLA’s Schools of Dentistry, Medicine and Engineering bridge the gap in biomedicine and biotechnology. World leaders in maxillofacial prosthetics, scientists from the Weintraub Center for Reconstructive Biotechnology conduct diverse interdisciplinary projects; from genome analysis, genetic engineering and stem cell research to develop biomaterials for improved implant and computerized scaffolding.
Infection & Inflammation

Our researchers fight dental diseases as infectious diseases, using cutting-edge molecular and bioengineering approaches. Supported by public, private, foundation, and corporate funding, research in areas of signal transduction, genomics and micro/nanotechnology is applied to oral health. Under patent protection we’re developing advanced micro-sensor technology for plaque analysis, as well as investigating Chinese medicinal herbs. Anti-microbial “smart bombs” for caries prevention may someday be applicable to infectious diseases. And our scientists are leading the way in saliva diagnostics, to help screen for oral and systemic diseases, and for early detection of cancers, autoimmune diseases, diabetes and other disorders.
Health Services & Clinical Research

With a commitment to improve oral health throughout the nation, we’re working to understand the needs and decision-making of underserved patients. Through pipeline programs, we work to increase the number of dentists and researchers committed to reducing disease among disadvantaged individuals. And as part of a nationwide program to develop a stronger dental education system, we’re testing new methods of education. While our research projects utilize anthropology, biostatistics, epidemiology, education, behavioral science and more, to inform the needs of the community.