Course description 

This course covers five quarters and deals with all aspects of indirect restorations.  This subject is often referred to as Fixed Prosthodontics.  During the first three quarters, you will receive instruction in different types of indirect preparations and methods of fabricating provisional restorations.  In addition, you will learn how to make an accurate impression and cast of tooth preparations, then fabricate and evaluate indirect restorations for those preparations.  At the end of the first three quarters, all students who have satisfactorily completed the assigned projects and examinations will be allowed to begin treating clinical patients.  For your first indirect procedure, you will be paired up with a fourth-year student who will mentor and assist you in completing this procedure.  It is entirely possible that some of the clinical procedures you will be doing have not yet been covered in this course, and in that case, your fourth-year student will be responsible for completing that aspect of your clinical procedures.

Additional information

Course Year: First

Course Title: Indirect Restoration I
Course Number: RFE106
Quarter: Spring
Lecture Hours: 11
Lab Hours: 33
Section: Restorative Dentistry

Course Year: Second

Course Title: Indirect Restoration II
Course Number: RFE201
Quarter: Summer
Lecture Hours: 9
Lab Hours: 27
Section: Restorative Dentistry

Course Title: Indirect Restoration III
Course Number: RFE203
Quarter: Fall
Lecture Hours: 22
Lab Hours: 66
Section: Restorative Dentistry

Course Title: Indirect Restoration IV
Course Number: RFE208
Quarter: Winter
Lecture Hours: 11
Lab Hours: 33
Section: Restorative Dentistry

Course Title: Indirect Restoration V
Course Number: RFE212
Quarter: Spring
Lecture Hours: 11
Lab Hours: 33
Section: Restorative Dentistry