Course description 

This course is a capstone clinical immersion providing D4 students an opportunity to enhance their education toward independent practice with rotations in off-campus extramural sites. Students will have supervision from credentialed and calibrated clinical educators throughout all quarters of the fourth year. These experiences are focused on providing quality dental care for patients of record within various dental delivery models including but not limited to, community clinics, private offices and mobile dentistry. These organizations serve vulnerable populations typically below 200% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines. This course aims to enhance students education while increasing access to care for vulnerable populations sustainably.

Additional information

Course Year: Fourth  

Course Number: CL404.31A
Quarter: Fall
Clinic Hours: 60
Section: Public and Population Health/Community-Based Clinical Education

Course Number: CL404.31B
Quarter: Winter
Clinic Hours: 60
Section: Public and Population Health/Community-Based Clinical Education


Course Year: Fourth  

Course Number: CL404.31C 
Quarter: Spring
Clinic Hours: 60
Section: Public and Population Health/Community-Based Clinical Education

Course Number: CL404.31S
Quarter: Summer
Clinic Hours: 60
Section: Public and Population Health/Community-Based Clinical Education