Students & Residents

Essay Contest Winners Announced

We are always eager to share positive news of our dental students’ accomplishments and we couldn’t be prouder of the following individuals for winning an essay competition honoring Dr. Clifton O. Dummett, Sr. surrounding diversity in dentistry. The competition honors the late Dr. Dummett, a pioneer in dentistry and dental education. Essays addressed race relations in the profession through the lens of editorials written in the National Dental Association Bulletin from 1953-1975.

Out of the 22 awards across 12 dental schools, five of our UCLA students were award recipients!

UCLA awarded grant from the National Institutes of Health

Author: Stuart Wolpert

UCLA has been awarded a grant of more than $1.6 million from the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, a division of the National Institutes of Health. The five-year grant will enable UCLA to expand its Bruins-in-Genomics Summer Undergraduate Research Program, which brings undergraduates from across the country, including from historically Black colleges and universities, to UCLA to conduct research and learn the latest data analysis techniques and skills.

Center Stage with a Student - Scott Hirose

Dean Krebsbach:
Why did you choose dentistry?

I've always loved working with my hands – playing with Legos and building model airplanes when I was a kid. In college, I knew I wanted to do something in healthcare, but I wasn't sure what. I tried shadowing and exploring different options, and eventually, I asked my dad – a now-retired general dentist – if I could see what he did. I remember him explaining how a dovetail creates mechanical retention, and the gears in my head started turning.

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