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$20.6M NIH Grant Establishes School of Dentistry-Led Human Virome Characterization Center

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has awarded a $20.6M million grant over five years to establish one of five Human Virome Characterization Centers (HVCC), leveraging UCLA leadership and the collective expertise of interdisciplinary scientists nationwide to advance understanding of the virome's role in human health and disease across the oral–gut–brain axis. (NIH U54 AG089335 Human Virome Characterization Center for the Oral-Gut-Brain Axis)

Four CDA Journal Articles Highlight Faculty-Student Research Collaborations

UCLA School of Dentistry names were well-represented in the Journal of the California Dental Association this fall, with D.D.S. students and residents partnering with primary investigators and other researchers on four peer-reviewed publications.

These collaborations reinforce UCLA Dentistry’s ongoing commitment to providing unique opportunities for dental, undergraduate, and graduate students to participate in a wide range of important oral health research while under the mentorship of some of the world’s most prolific investigators.

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