
This is the summary for Research

Bugs as Drugs

***This story appears in the UCLA School of Dentistry's Spring 2024 Magazine***

If one’s lips are the front door to the human body, then the mouth is its foyer. Exposed to the elements, the condition of each entryway sets the tone for what is found throughout the structure.

Dr. David Wong's New Grants Target Early Detection of Lung and Oral Cancers

David T.W. Wong, D.M.D., D.M.Sc., has spent most of his 21 years at the UCLA School of Dentistry conducting pioneering research on the use of saliva as a diagnostic medium for early detection and monitoring of systemic diseases. Now, two recently awarded grants will empower his team at the UCLA Center for Oral/Head and Neck Oncology Research to identify biomarkers for lung and oral cance

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