Academic Appointees

Adrienne Fang-Lalas Restorative Dentistry Continuing Lecturer Academic Appointees
Fariborz A. Farnad Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Educator Academic Appointees
Vacharee B. Fell Orthodontics Educator Academic Appointees
Natalie Rene Ferrigno Periodontics Educator Academic Appointees
Jun Royce Malasig Flores Restorative Dentistry Educator Academic Appointees
Christine Fortmann Prosthodontics Educator Academic Appointees
Christine Ann Fortmann Prosthodontics Educator Academic Appointees
Susan Christine Fredericks Restorative Dentistry Educator Academic Appointees
Douglas M. Galen Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Educator Academic Appointees
Hamlet Charmahali Garabedian Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Educator Academic Appointees
Tahani Garguri Biosystems and Function Lecturer Academic Appointees
Adi A. Genish Pediatric Dentistry Clinic Health Sciences Assistant Clinical Professor Academic Appointees
Adi A. Genish Pediatric Dentistry Health Sciences Assistant Clinical Professor Academic Appointees
Setareh Ghafouri Pediatric Dentistry Continuing Lecturer Academic Appointees
Amy Aland Gimlen Orthodontics Educator Academic Appointees
Jaime M. Gochez CBCE Educator Academic Appointees
Tracy G. Golden Special Patient Care & Maxillofacial Prosthetics Educator Academic Appointees
Donald Goodman Biosystems and Function Educator Academic Appointees, CE Instructors
Steven Alan Gould Restorative Dentistry Educator Academic Appointees
Gary Green Periodontics Continuing Lecturer Academic Appointees
Veronica A. Greene Prosthodontics Educator Academic Appointees
Eric J. Grin Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology & Orofacial Pain Educator Academic Appointees
Jay S. Grossman Restorative Dentistry Assistant Clinical Professor-Volunteer Academic Appointees
James R. Habashy Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Educator Academic Appointees
Justine Hoda Hai Restorative Dentistry Educator Academic Appointees
Alexander Hakim Endodontics Educator Academic Appointees
Farshad Isaac Hakim Orthodontics Educator Academic Appointees
Michael Hamada Prosthodontics Continuing Lecturer Academic Appointees