First Year

Foundations Of Basic Science

Foundations of Basic Science covers a number of basic topics in biology. The material will serve as a foundation for your studies of the dental sciences.

First Year

Foundations Of Microbiology

This course gives first-year dental students a scientific foundation on infectious diseases and their global etiological agents.

First Year

Foundations Of Radiology

This course covers x-ray physics, imaging techniques, radiation safety, and radiologic anatomy for effective dento-maxillofacial radiology.

First Year

Fundamentals Of Cariology

Introduction of foundational concepts needed to understand and treat dental caries.

General Practice

Residency Program

The UCLA General Practice Residency Program is a demanding postgraduate certificate program with a major emphasis in hospital dentistry.

Give to UCLA Dentistry

Your philanthropic support helps the School retain its role in shaping the brightest dental minds of this and coming generations.

Graduate Orofacial Pain & Dental Sleep Medicine Clinic

Discover UCLA’s Graduate Orofacial Pain & Dental Sleep Medicine Clinic, specializing in diagnosing and treating chronic pain and sleep apnea conditions.

Graduate Programs

The UCLA School of Dentistry also offers several graduate degree programs for those candidates interested in pursuing careers in academic dentistry or research.

First Year

Gross Anatomy

Human Gross Anatomy for dental students focuses on head, neck, thorax, and abdomen, emphasizing oro-facial anatomy and related body systems.

Guidelines for Submitting Specimens

Optimum service in compliance with the CLIA 1988 Federal Regulations, these guidelines for specimen collection, preservation, and transportation.