Section of Biosystems and Function

Section of Biosystems and Function Members

The Section of Biosystems and Function provides scientific leadership in selected areas of oral health research including head and neck cancer, immunity, microbiology, pain, and bioengineering research. The faculty members in this Section are responsible for both the scientific coursework for pre-doctoral students and the graduate coursework for Master's and Ph.D. degree students. Students and volunteers seeking research experience are also encouraged to contact individual professors regarding positions in their laboratories.



Full-time Faculty:


  • Pre-doctoral program teaches some of the basic science portions of the School of Dentistry’s curriculum. The faculty in this Section teach a broad array of subjects, including biostatistics, immunology, molecular biology, microbiology, pain, and pharmacology, as well as provide individual support and mentorship for dental students seeking to do research in the different fields of dentistry.
  • M.S. degree program is offered to dentists, dentists engaged in postgraduate specialty training, and other qualified individuals who have an interest in oral biology.
  • Ph.D. degree program aims to train future leaders in academic dentistry and dental research.
  • A combined D.D.S./Ph.D. program allows post-baccalaureate students to pursue D.D.S. and Ph.D. degrees jointly after having been admitted to both programs individually.

Master's Degree in Oral BiologyPh.D. in Oral BiologyCombined D.D.S./Ph.D. Degree


The Section of Biosystems and Function provides scientific leadership in selected areas of oral health research including head and neck cancer, immunity, microbiology, pain, and bioengineering research.

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Contact Us

Matt Palmer, Division Administrator
Phone: (310) 825-6406