Postgraduate Periodontics and Implant Surgery Clinic

The UCLA Postgraduate Periodontics and Implant Surgery Clinic is a specialty clinic providing non-surgical and surgical therapy for diseases of the supporting hard and soft tissues (periodontium) around the teeth as well as dental implant surgery needs for patients with missing teeth. Similar to most clinics in the UCLA School of Dentistry, our clinical program provides educational experiences for residents (dental school graduates) who are pursuing specialty training in Periodontics and Implant Surgery. Patients with a variety of periodontal and implant needs are treated by our residents under faculty supervision.

Services include:

  • Periodontal Disease Treatment
  • Dental Implant Surgery

Hours & Contact Information

Clinic Hours:

  • Monday - Friday, 1-5 pm
  • Friday 9am-12pm

Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 8am-12 pm and 1-5 pm

UCLA Dental Clinic
B-Level, Room B0-130 CHS

Phone: (310) 825-3795
Fax: (310) 825-9653

Directions and Parking to the UCLA Dental Clinics in Westwood

Provider Options and Cost of Care

Providers: Residents

New Patients and Payment Information

To make an appointment, please call (310) 825-3795. New patients in this Clinic will be assigned to a resident for a thorough review of their medical and dental history and a comprehensive periodontal/oral examination. A diagnosis and treatment plan will be developed by the resident with faculty supervision, and options will be discussed. All patients are required to bring or obtain current diagnostic radiographs prior to the initial examination. Patients will also be required to have a restorative dentist (outside private practice or at UCLA). Referral to a restorative dentist will be offered for patients who do not already have a dentist.

Need to Make, Cancel or Reschedule and Appointment?

For questions regarding appointments, billing, or your care, please contact (310) 825-3795.