A pediatric dentsit adjusts a light above a patient in a chair

This clinic has providers that serve the oral health interests of infants and children through 12 years old. The establishment of a dental home provides an opportunity to implement individualized preventive oral health practices and reduces the child’s risk of preventable dental/oral disease, and should start no later than 12 months of age. Care is provided by residents or international trainees and the cost of care is lower than the private sector.


  • Children’s Oral Health
  • General Dentistry

Hours & Contact Information

Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Closed on the weekends.

UCLA Dental Clinics
2nd Floor, Room 20-137 CHS

Phone: (310) 825-5619
Fax: (310) 825-8728

Provider Options and Cost of Care

  • Providers: Residents

New Patients and Payment Information

New patient appointments include an exam, prophylaxis, fluoride treatment, and X-rays. Please call (310) 825-5619 to make an appointment.

Email: cdcinfo@dent.ucla.edu (for general information, not appointments).

Need to Make, Cancel or Reschedule and Appointment?

For questions regarding appointments, billing, or your care, please contact the main clinic line at (310) 825-5619.