Tuition & Projected Costs of Attendance: PPID

Attending dental school is a significant time and financial commitment, but the Office of Student Services is here to help you figure out how to pay for your training at UCLA Dentistry, one of the top ranked dental schools in the country.

To help you plan your PPID education at the UCLA School of Dentistry, here is a projected off-campus and commuter budget for students in the 2-year PPID program for the 2025-2026 Academic Year.

The figures listed below represent an estimate of expenses. Living expenses include room/board, transportation, and personal expenses. These estimates do not include costs for dental/medical care, car payments, debts, charge accounts, spouses and childcare. It is essential to note that budgets are subject to modification.

PPID Annual Self-Supporting Professional Degree Program Fee Assessment* 

Academic Year 2024-25 Annual Program Fee

  • Class of 2026  - Annual Fee $109,722 (AY 24/25)
  • Class of 2025  - Annual Fee $109,722 (AY 24/25)

Academic Year 2025-26 Annual Program Fee*

  • Class of 2027  - Annual Fee $Pending UCOP Approval (AY 25/26)
  • Class of 2026  - Annual Fee $Pending UCOP Approval (AY 25/26)

*AY 25-26 Annual Program Fee will be assessed at the current AY 24-25 Rate until Final Approval. 

*(All fees subject to change without prior notification) 

UCLA Registrar's Office Self-Supporting Degree Fees

Total Projected Costs for the 2025-26 Academic Year 

*Annual Program Fee Based on Academic Year 24-25 until final approval.  

Off-campus Housing Budget

First Year Summer First Academic Year Second Year Summer Second Academic Year
3 Months 9 Months 3 Months 9 Months
*Annual Program Fee $27,431 $82,292 $27,431 $82,292
Housing and Food $8,697 $26,091 $8,697 $26,091
Books/Supplies/ Equipment $26,010 $10,747 $1,000 $10,482
Transportation $1,155 $3,465 $1,155 $3,465
Personal $973 $2,920 $973 $2,920
Loan Fees $348 $1,044 $348 $1,044
Totals $64,614 $126,559 $39,604 $126,539


There are fewer supplies required in the 2nd year.

All fees are subject to change without prior notification.

The amounts shown here represent, for planning purposes, estimates of tuition and fees for existing and proposed professional degree programs. Final figures are subject to change without notice and may differ from the amounts posted. 

The Total Cost of Attendance (TCOA) at UCLA includes tuition, fees and expenses for housing, food, educational materials and transportation. Your TCOA budget is determined by the housing option selected on your financial aid application and is used to determine the maximum amount of financial aid that can be awarded. Please inform Dental School Financial Aid office, if your housing plans for the year change so that your aid can be recalculated. 

Please note: Students enrolling in this program cannot use CAL VET tuition/fee exemptions; this program is not supported with state funds and is not subject to the state law regarding CAL VET tuition/fee exemptions.