Dr. Mallya is a professor and chair of the Section of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology in the Division of Diagnostic and Surgical Sciences at the UCLA School of Dentistry. He is a board-certified Oral and Maxillofacial Radiologist. His research focuses on the molecular mechanisms of oral cancer and parathyroid neoplasia.

Additional Information

Courses Taught
IDS 100, Foundations of Radiology, Course director IDS 201, Oral Radiology, Course director DS300.07 Advanced Topics in Oral Radiology, Co-director

Patient Care Activities
Dr. Mallya provides patient care in the Oral Radiology Practice.

Research & Interests

Dr. Mallya's research is focused on the molecular mechanisms of oral precancer and cancer and on parathyroid neoplasia.

In studies funded by the American Institute of Cancer Research, he is studying the role of vitamin D in modulating the development of oral epithelial dysplasia and neoplasia and its interactions with the cyclin D1 pathway.

In collaborative studies funded by the NIH/NIDDK, he is investigating the mechanism of cyclin D1s oncogenic role in parathyroid neoplasia.

Fax: (310) 825-7232

  • B.D.S., University of Bombay, 1987
  • M.D.S., University of Bombay, 1989
  • Certificate, Oral & Maxillofacial Radiology, University of Connecticut School of Dental Medicine, 1995
  • Ph.D., University of Connecticut, 1998
  • Postdoctoral fellowship, University of Connecticut School of Medicine, 1998-2002

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