Adult Dental Care
Wilson-Jennings-Bloomfield Venice Dental Center
Adult Dental Care
- Provided by dental students and post-graduates supervised by dental faculty
- Implant dentistry
- General dentistry (fillings, crowns, bridges, partial and complete dentures, occlusal guards)
- Endodontics (root canal treatment - please note that more complex cases may be referred to Westwood UCLA Endodontics Clinic)
- Periodontics (prophylaxis, gum surgery and long-term maintenance)
- Esthetic dentistry (porcelain veneers, bonding, bleaching)
- Orthodontics (on a limited basis for Venice AEGD patients of record)
- Radiology-CBCT provided by dental residents
Oral Surgery
- Procedures are provided by our Board-Certified Oral-Maxillofacial surgeon
- Conscious or intravenous sedation and/or general anesthesia
- Surgical extractions, wisdom teeth
- Implant surgery
- Biopsy