Orofacial Pain Faculty Practice

The UCLA Orofacial Pain and Oral Medicine Faculty Practice offers diagnostic and treatment expertise by world renowned faculty.

Second Year

Orthodontic Foundations

This course teaches students the biological processes and basic appliances involved in treating orthodontic problems.

Second Year

Orthodontic Techniques

This course builds on prior GDA knowledge, teaching orthodontic analysis, diagnosis, treatment planning, and appliance principles.



The Section of Orthodontics strives to improve the health of the people of California by educating students in dentofacial orthopedics and orthodontics.


Residency Program

Four positions for graduates of CODA-accredited dental schools holding U.S. citizenship or permanent residency supported by a stipend.


Preceptorship Program

The Orthodontic Preceptorship is a full-time clinical and academic program for internationally trained dental school graduates and practitioners.


Advanced Clinical Training Program

The Orthodontics Advanced Clinical Training Program is a full-time clinical and academic program for internationally trained dental school graduates.


International Residency Training Program

CODA-accredited program designed to train clinical specialists at the postgraduate level and includes extensive didactic, clinical, and research experience


Improving the oral health of individuals in California is central to the UCLA School of Dentistry’s mission.

Second Year

Overview Of Medical Emergencies

OSD204 covers case-based medical emergencies, UCLA kit demo, risk factors, prevention, recognition, and in-office treatments via live lectures.