Dental Anesthesiology
Section of Dental Anesthesiology

Dental Anesthesiology is part of the Section of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Dental Anesthesiology (visit Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery page) and is charged with supporting the School of Dentistry in the area of acute pain management. In accord with this mission, it offers educational programs and clinical support at the predoctoral, postgraduate, and continuing education levels. Research and clinical activities are focused on anxiety and pain control.
- Dr. Christine Quinn, Clinical Professor
Predoctoral Programs focuses on pharmacology and dental therapeutics. This course of study prepares the student to: (1) better understand the medical condition of patients by knowing the drugs they are taking; (2) modify dental care in response to medications patients are taking; and (3) use therapeutic agents in dentistry to prevent, diagnose, and treat diseases and other conditions within the scope of dental practice. The Section also provides basic instruction in the management of anxiety and pain in dentistry. Local anesthesia and nitrous oxide/oxygen minimal sedation are taught to clinical competency. Finally, faculty of the Section are available throughout the year to assist students with patients who are difficult to anesthetize with standard techniques.
Research interests in Dental Anesthesiology are concentrated in the area of anxiety and pain control and have a strong clinical emphasis. Current and/or recent projects include the efficacy and safety of new local anesthetics and injection techniques and the safety of intramuscular-intravenous general anesthesia in pediatric dentistry.
Patient Care
Patient care is a primary function, in part because of its many teaching activities.
The remainder includes patients treated by faculty of the UCLA Dental Anesthesia Service or by supervised postdoctoral residents in the Pediatric Dentistry Clinic and the Special Patient Care Clinic (Hospital Dentistry). Dental Anesthesiology offers all methods of anesthesia care, up to and including hospital general anesthesia.
Pediatric Dentistry ClinicSpecial Patient Care Clinic (Hospital Dentistry)
Contact Us
Kristina Etchison, Academic Division Administrator
For patient inquiries
Phone: (310) 206-3904