Patient Care
Patient-Centered Care for the Community
We take pride in offering compassionate dental care in a cutting-edge, educational setting at reduced fees.
UCLA Dental Clinics, Westwood
714 Tiverton Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90095
(310) 206-3904
Providers: Student Dentists, Residents, Faculty
Faculty Group Dental Practice
100 Medical Plaza, Suite 350
Los Angeles, CA 90095-6999
(310) 794-5750
Wilson-Jennings-Bloomfield UCLA Venice Dental Center
323 S. Lincoln Boulevard,
Venice, CA 90291
(310) 392-4103
Providers:Student Dentists, Residents, Faculty
Provider Care Options
Student Dentists
Patient care is always our foremost concern, as we educate and train our talented students and other trainees, while fully supervised by our experienced faculty. Cost of care given by these providers is significantly reduced compared to a private practice and is an affordable option for your dental care needs.
Residency clinics offer advanced and specialized services administered by our residents – individuals who have successfully received a dental degree: DDS, DMD or equivalent. Residents treating patients are also supervised by faculty members to ensure that proper care is being administered. Cost of care given by these providers is partially reduced compared to a private practice.
Our faculty practices offer a wide range of services in general dentistry and all specialties, including pediatric dentists, orthodontists, geriatric dentists, prosthodontists, endodontists, oral and maxillofacial surgeons, periodontists, or orofacial pain specialists. Cost of care given by theses providers is comparable to private